Home Protection Tips

Has this ever happened to you?  You’re on a long-awaited vacation at the beach or in the mountains.  Suddenly, you wonder if you turned off the lights or the coffee maker.  Or, you can’t remember locking the back door. You’re miles away and can’t do a thing about it but worry.  Your vacation will be more enjoyable if you follow these home protection tips.

You worked hard to earn this holiday.  By doing a few simple things beforehand, your vacation can be worry-free.  

Home Protection Tips: Do These Before Going on Vacation

Although you have homeowners insurance, it may not cover some incidents that occur while you’re away.  Before packing up and heading out, talk to your insurance agent about your coverage.  If something should happen to your vacant home, it is important to know what your options are.

Also, you can do several things yourself to safeguard your home during vacation.  If you follow these 10 home protection tips, you will enjoy peace of mind while you’re away:

1.  Leave a car in the driveway.

Like many families, you have more than one vehicle. You’ll likely leave one of them behind when you go on vacation. So, rather than store it in the garage, leave it parked in the driveway.  Having a car in the driveway is a great way to make it seem like someone is home.

2.  Close all blinds and curtains.

One of the best home protection tips is to close all first-floor curtains and blinds while you’re away.  No one can see inside and figure out that the house is empty.  This precaution will help dissuade any would-be burglars.

3.  Put the lights on a timer.

Putting your lights on a timer is a great security measure.  Lights going off and coming on at different times will fool burglars into thinking someone is home.

4.  Don’t post on social media.

Naturally, you want to let everyone know you’re going on vacation.  But, posting about it on various social media sites can be a mistake.  You don’t want the wrong person to find out your home will be vacant for the week.  Wait until you get back from vacation to tell everyone all about it.  This may be one of the best home protection tips you can follow.

5.  Add outdoor security lights.

Outdoor security lights are a great investment not only during vacation but year-round.  Anyone trying to break in will be frightened away when the lights come on.  You may qualify for discounts on your homeowners insurance premium if you have security features like these.

6.  Protect your valuables.

Some things are valuable to you even though they aren’t expensive.  On the other hand, you may have costly jewelry, musical equipment, or collectibles that would be difficult to replace.  If you can, invest in some type of safe to store these items.  Your home insurance coverage may not cover the full value if they are stolen.

7.  Install a home monitoring system.

The great thing about a home monitoring system is that it will alert your smartphone right away if it detects a problem.  It includes cameras and sensors that you will place near doors and windows.  These systems may also qualify you for a discount on your homeowners insurance premium.

8.  Stop newspaper and mail delivery.

One obvious sign of an empty home is newspapers and mail that have piled up.  So, before going away, contact the post office and paper delivery service to hold the items until you return.  

9.  Display a home security sign.

If you purchase a security system, they may provide a sign to be placed in the yard.  The sign indicates that your home is protected by a security company.  It is important to place the sign in a prominent location so that it is easily seen.

10.  Ask a friend to check on things.

Everyone is busy these days, but you may have a friend or relative who has time to stop by and check on things.  This is probably the easiest way to protect your home while you’re away.  But, your friend or relative may only be there for a few minutes each visit.  In this case, it’s a good idea to have a backup plan such as one of the tips listed above.

All in all, protecting your home while you’re away involves more than just having homeowners insurance.  You’ll be able to relax and enjoy your vacation if you know you’ve done your part to safeguard your home and valuables while it is vacant.

Sandifer Insurance Helps You Protect Your Home and Valuables

Sandifer Insurance Agency provides homeowners insurance that is affordable and reliable.  Our family-owned agency has served Cheraw, SC, and surrounding communities for over 40 years.  We work with some of the most reputable insurance companies to help clients get the best coverage for their needs.  

Contact Sandifer Insurance today by phone, email, or online to get a free quote.


nytimes.com/ – The Vacationers’ Guide to Protecting a Home From Disaster, Bandits, and Other Costly Calamities

forbes.com/ – How to Get Homeowners Insurance Discounts

valuepenguin.com/– What Homeowners Insurance Doesn’t Cover

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